Dangers of Social Media with Teens.

Technology has improved many aspects of our lives, however many people tend to overlook the negative factors technology has caused. Social Media is a popular tool used to communicate and spread information with others all around the world. When this information is positive this is a great resource, unfortunately, most of the time this information is not filtered, or censored and may be inappropriate for the viewer.

What are some negative effects of social media on Teens?

Some negative effects of social media on Teen’s include:

  • Becoming obsessed with keeping up with trends.

  • Having unrealistic expectations of themselves or of what life “should” be like.

  • Comparing themselves to others.

  • Unable to disconnect and live in the moment, instead lives to take photos to post on social media regardless of the current event happening.

  • Disrupted and irregular sleeping schedule.

  • Exposure to bullying or rumor spreading.

  • Access to inappropriate content.

  • Peer pressure.

Dangerous Trends

There have been many concerns about dangerous trends spreading around which may lead to death or serious bodily injuries.

Trends can include causing harm to themselves by using a physical object and filming it for others to watch. Another dangerous trend is filming themselves taking large amounts of over-the-counter medicine and then advising others to do the same.

Due to the ease of social media, these trends are easily spread around the world. Misinforming the viewers of the harm that could come their way by participating.

What can I do to protect my teen from the harm of social media?

  1. Communicate with your child that everything on social media is not real. Educate them on why social media can be harmful and allow them the opportunity to ask you any questions they may have.

  2. Limit or monitor their use of technology. Parental control apps can help control the images, videos, and websites that your child is allowed to visit.

  3. Safely keep away over-the-counter and prescription medicine so that it is not easily accessible.

  4. Establish ground rules of what is acceptable online, who they are allowed to speak with, and activities they are allowed to participate in.

Read more:

Websites and Apps to be aware of

Best Parental Control Apps for Teens


The Effects Of Bullying On The Brain.