Helping Your Child Cope with Stress

Children can experience stress from school, at home, and at social events.

Preventing stress is inevitable, but teaching your child how to cope with stress is a valuable tool.

Some techniques that you can teach your child to use when they are stressed include:

Reframing- This is where you challenge your negative thoughts and look at them differently to help alleviate stress. Ask yourself questions like “ Am I making an assumption? or Do I know this will actually happen?”

Deep Breathing- Breathing techniques can be very helpful to teach and are known to help individuals in the present moment as they are feeling stressed. Slow breathing is known to slow your heart rate and prepare your body to rest.

Mindfulness meditation- Helps your child be aware of what they are feeling in the moment, without judgment or interpretation.

Exercising or Body Movement- Moving your body or exercising can help release stress from your body. It also releases endorphins to your body that help change your mood.

Journaling- This is a great way to connect with yourself. You are able to express yourself and focus on the details of your life that may be causing your stress.

Positive Self Talk- Using positive affirmations or positive self talk can help your child through difficult moments where they may be afraid, stressed or angry. Teach your child positive affirmations they can use.

For example:

I can get through this

I can do hard things

I am strong

I am loved

Art- Using Art is a great way to express yourself and is known to release stress. Some examples are using acrylic paint, coloring books, or making crafts.

Additional resources:

Childhood stress: How parents can help

Stress busting activities for young children

Learning to Help Your Child and Your Family

School anxiety and refusal


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